
As a busy professional, one of the most important weapons in your arsenal is your smartphone.  It contains all your contacts, provides a tether to the Internet, and can help guide you to your next appointment.  While your smartphone is your lifeline to the rest...

Understanding contingencies is important when you are considering making an offer on a property.   A contingency is a condition in the Purchase Agreement that allows the buyer(s) to remove themselves from the contract with their deposit refunded if certain conditions are not met after their...

According to a recent survey, the number of homes occupied by renters has gone up nearly 34% over the last decade.  That’s good news if you’re looking for a long-term investment (10 years or more) and have ever considered becoming a landlord. Rents don’t show any...

A fundamental component of the financial performance of commercial investment real estate is the rent (rental income). Depending on the type of lease agreement (gross, modified, NNN, percentage, etc), rental income may include tenant base rent payments, liability insurance, common area maintenance (CAM), property taxes,...

Personal Landing Page?  Check! Contact info?  Check!  You’re online!  Now you just sit back and watch the sales come in, right?  Not so fast…  While you can convert many of those leads into sales, you can’t rely on the Internet alone.  There will be a...