Author: American Trust Escrow

It seems that with wallpaper, there are two options: it’s either gorgeous or a complete eyesore. Any way you slice it, wallpaper can be one of the trickiest things to remove. This is especially true if you’re talking about paper that has been up since...

Home flipping gained in popularity before the housing bust, but the practice is now taking an expensive turn. Flipping is the practice of purchasing a property, quickly renovating it and then selling it for a profit, and while it makes sense to do this with...

Around the U.S., especially right here in California, Asian buyers are flooding the real estate market. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that in the 12 months ending March 31, 2013, Asian buyers accounted for 18% of all foreign real estate purchases. Many Asian buyers...

There are a lot of reasons to install energy-efficient improvements in your home, not least of which includes saving money on your bills each month. Soon, a new bill could promote more energy-efficiency among home owners by offering mortgage-underwriting guidelines that factor in cost savings...

Are you already a fan of employing infographics to attract interest online and drive your marketing? Or is learning how to make them sitting on your business to-do list? Consider checking out, a user-friendly website where you can create and share customized infographics free...